WAS IST KUNST? Dragoljub Raša Todosijević

Author: multiple authors

Bookshop in the Stone Bell House
Bookshop in the House of Photography

Price: CZK 440

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GHMP Patron 30 % discount

Publisher: GHMP
Year of publication: 2023
Number of pages: 72
Size: 210 × 310 mm
Language: Czech, English
ISBN: 978-80-7010-192-6

Editors: Jakub Král, Matěj Smrkovský
Text: Jakub Král
Photos: Adriana Vančová
Translation to English: Tomáš Míka, Bernadette Higgins
Editing of Czech texts: Ondřej Krochmalný
Graphic design: Studio Zdaar (David Šrot a Kryštof Novák)
Produktion: Katarína Valentová
Print: Indigoprint


This catalogue follows up on the exhibition of Raša Todosijević to the fullest extent possible in terms of making the exhibition accessible while respecting the nature of the artist’s work.

Just as his work is very broad in terms of the themes used and the respective media, this book is also a reflection of the artist’s strategies accentuated in the exhibition.

In fact, the exhibition itself was not a retrospective show, but rather an update and execution of the themes that the artist has been dealing with from the late 1960s to the present.

The dynamics of both the exhibition and the catalogue is not subject to the strict logic of dates and timelines, but far more represents a secondary authorial and curatorial narrative about the artwork and art, the essence of which Todosijević has been constantly exploring for literally more than half a century.

Raša Todosijević (*1945) is a Serbian artist belonging to the first generation of neo-avant-garde artists of the so-called New Art Practice which began to develop in the relatively liberal environment of the former Yugoslavia in the early 1970s.

Both he and Marina Abramović, an internationally respected artist who, like Todosijević, emerged from the Belgrade art scene of the second half of the twentieth century, are among the most prominent artists of the former Yugoslavia and today’s Serbia.


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