Restoration of the sculpture of St John Nepomucene open-air 15. 5. 2011 – 31. 10. 2017
According to the dating, the sculpture was built in 1752, probably by John Anton Quintainer (1709–1765), late Baroque Czech woodcarver and sculptor. Originally, the sculpture was standing on the corner of the Hradčanské Square and Kanovnická Street; around 1846 it was transported to Pohořelec.
The sculpture is based on a richly decorated pedestal with two wings, finished by scrolls with shell-shaped ornaments. Three-dimensional volutes also adorn the sides of the central part with Latin inscriptions inside a six-pointed star. In its center, a metallic console was attached later, carrying an eternal light, also in the shape of a six-pointed star. The highest part of the pedestal bears the statue of St. John Nepomucene, traditionally attired in priest’s clothes, with a crucifix. The fish at John’s right foot is a symbol of taciturnity; the shell refers to his martyrdom in the Vltava River. A little angel to John’s right locks his mouth with his finger; also this gesture of silence refers to John’s refusal to betray a confessional secret. An angel on the other side is carrying the Palladium of Stará Boleslav, an embossment of Virgin Mary with a child, to which a protective power over the Czech lands is attributed traditionally.