Art workshop for adults and seniors / integration and intergenerational programme: Graphic Art: Drypoint Technique / for the GHMP Collection
Date and time
7. 12. 2023, 11 am–2 pm
The building is not barrier-free.
Sub A (Staroměstská station)
trams n. 2, 17, 18 (Karlovy lázně or Staroměstská stop)
Limited capacity, reservations required
Eva Pejchalová
external lecturer – workshops for seniors
T (+420) 721 328 021
During this art workshop we will work with the graphic art drypoint technique. We will first focus on sketches as records of artistic ideas. We will then use a simple engraving tool to transfer the final motif to the smooth surface of a plastic plate (A6 format) which will then be used to create a printing impression. The graphic prints (A5, A4 format) will be made using an intaglio printing press. The theme of the artwork will be winter motifs. The creative workshop will also introduce the work of the important graphic artist Bohuslav Reynek, whose works are part of the GHMP collections. For younger visitors, this traditional process will be adapted via experimental techniques (e.g. paper engraving and art work with paint).
This programme is designed not only for adults and seniors, but also for their children and grandchildren as part of an intergenerational encounter. The workshops are also open to foreign visitors.