Art workshop for adults and seniors / integration and intergenerational programme: Drawing Sketches and Pastels / in cooperation with the Botanical Garden
Date and time
30. 5. 2024, 3–6 pm
The building is not barrier-free.
Sub A (Staroměstská station)
trams n. 2, 17, 18 (Karlovy lázně or Staroměstská stop)
CZK 50
Limited capacity, reservations required
Eva Pejchalová
external lecturer – workshops for seniors
T (+420) 721 328 021
The Troja open air sessions reflect the collaboration of the Education Department of Prague City Gallery with the Botanical Garden of the City of Prague in Troja. The concept of mutual communication and cooperation focuses on connecting two inspiring spheres: the garden and art.
The stimuli for the drawing and painting sketches will be found right in the Troja Château Garden. The open-air sessions with tutor guidance will focus on pencil, pastel, ink, wash drawing, watercolour and gouache drawing methods. These art workshops will introduce the concept of the Baroque garden and will also introduce the work of selected artists whose works are part of the GHMP’s collections and which relate to the theme of landscape painting (e.g. Josef Burianová, Emil Filla, Josef Luňák, Václav Mašek, Karel Minář, Josef Václav Myslbek, Otakar Novák, Josef Pošva, Vojtěch Sedláček, Bohumil Ullrych, Michal Vojtěch, Jaroslav Vožniak, Bořivoj Žufan, etc.), themes that focus on Prague architecture (e.g. Václav Hejna, Josef Jíra, Jan Bohuslav Melichar, Lumír Šindelář, Jan Angelo Zeyer, etc.) or the motif of plants and flowers (Gerhard Färber, František Kobliha, etc.).
During the open-air session series we will also focus on brush painting and on painting inspired by Chinese art. We will also draw on the traditions of Eastern ink painting in our artistic work. The frescoes in the Chinese chambers of Troja Château will also be an inspiration. Basic art materials for creative work and the facilities of the eco-studio in the Troja Château Orangery will also be available, providing a pleasant space for creative work or even for rest in case of bad weather.
This programme is designed not only for adults and seniors, but also for their children and grandchildren as part of an intergenerational encounter. The workshops are also open to foreign visitors.
This activity is implemented with the financial support of UNHCR (The UN Refugee Agency) and the Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic.