Thinking Through Film

Author: multiple authors

Bookshop in the Stone Bell House
Bookshop in the House of Photography
Bookshop in the Municipal Library

Price: CZK 750

Publisher: GHMP
Year of publication: 2023
Number of pages 192
Size: 165 x 240 mm
Language: in Czech, in English
ISBN: 978-80-7010-194-0

Editors: Jiří Anger, Sandra Baborovská
Texts: Jiří Anger, Sandra Baborovská, Georges Didi-Huberman, Sergej Ejzenštejn, Noemi Purkrábková, Ondřej Vavrečka
Editing of texts: Klára Krásenská
Translation to Czech: Patrik Felčer (Sergej Ejzenštejn), Josef Fulka (Georges Didi-Huberman)
Translation from Czech: Kryštof Herold, Becka McFadden, Tomáš Pártl, Eva Ullrichová
Graphic Design: Anymade studio (Petr Cabalka, Filip Nerad)
Prepress preparation: Studio Marvil
Print: Tiskárna Helbich, a. s.
Production: Kateřina Šlaufová

Film is “a form that thinks,” as director Jean-Luc Godard once noted. Montage of images and sounds enables us to express certain ideas but also to reflect on the material, formal, and narrative elements that define the film medium. But does thinking through film survive in the digital and post-cinematic era? The Thinking Through Film project focuses on the ways in which contemporary audiovisual art not only pushes the film language forward but also brings it back to its roots.

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